AI Is Going To Kill You | #015

Helping you learn, adapt and prosper in the world of AI

Welcome to today’s installment of AI Is Going To Kill You where we help you stay abreast of the latest developments in AI. We want to educate and inspire everyone to begin interacting with AI immediately and discover how it can help you achieve a life that is fruitful and fulfilling. We have a big week ahead of us with some great content coming from AIIGTKY.

POLL RESULTS: Has AI Impacted Your Job?

With almost 500 votes, our results continue to show approximately the same number of people in the YES and NO categories. We’ll keep you posted!

AI Is Going To Kill You Resource Spotlight

Some AI investing tools that claim they’ll give you an edge

*today’s American cover image created using Midjourney


If you want to go deeper on how AI is impacting specific industries sign up below: